This is the first cut of my Probotix X90 CNC. Absolutely amazing!
I am using the EMC2 Linux CNC installed on an old computer installed using their Live/Bootable CD.
The model was created in Sketchup 2013 then exported to STL using this plugin :
Then I used MeshCAM 5 to convert the STL to GCODE file.
As a cutter I used a 1/16 4 flute carbide bit normally used for PCBs – the only one that I had available, but specialized 2 flute cutters should work better – I might try that. You’ll see this bit creates a lot of burring so parts needed cleanup.
The bit is mounted in my trusty Dewalt DWP611 router :
I am using a 1/4 to 1/8 collect adapter since the DWP611 comes with only 1/4 adapter.
It gives me good run-off of max 2-5mil which is ok for my application.
However ultra-precise collets can be found here:!!!Dewalt_611!!!Kit!!!PG!!!
They claim a runout of ~ 0.4 mil
Here is the final result, I simply glued 2 parts together to make them thicker. You’ll see that this is a servo mount for 9g Hitec servo on 13x13mm aluminum tubing that I got from HobbyKing
Hope this helps. Happy CNC-ing !